
For Whom?

Key Benefits

  • Earn a higher rate of interest.
  • Interest paid twice a month.
  • Earn additional interest for foreign currency savings (For USD).
  • Free medical benefits based on your annual average balance from 1st July till 30th June (12 months period).

Medical benefit can be earned annually on your annual average balance.

Annual Average Balance Medical Benefit Value
Rs. 75,000 - Rs. 99,999 Rs. 750/-
Rs. 100,000 - Rs. 199,999 Rs. 1,000/-
Rs. 200,000 - Rs. 299,999 Rs. 2,000/-
Rs. 300,000 - Rs. 499,999 Rs. 3,000/-
Rs. 500,000 - Rs. 999,999 Rs. 5,000/-
Rs. 1,000,000 - Rs. 1,999,999 Rs. 7,500/-
Rs. 2,000,000 and above Rs.10,000/-
  • Branded Passbook and activated VISA ATM Debit Card provided instantly.


  • Sri Lankan citizen of 55 years of age and above
  • Valid identification document (National Identity Card (NIC), Passport)
  • Minimum initial deposit - Rs.1, 000/-


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