Catering to the needs of LCB’s (Licensed Commercial Banks), LSB’s (Licensed Specialized Banks) and NBFI’s (Non-banking Financial Institutions), Insurance Companies and Stock Brokers, our expertise ranges from plain vanilla bilateral loans to arranging and participating in complex structured Debt, Syndications, Securitizations, quoted/unquoted Debt instruments including Corporate Bonds, Debentures and Commercial Papers. We also provide forex and hedging solutions to our clients in collaboration with our Treasury Department.
Financial sector clients can also benefit from the state-of-the-art platforms to streamline their operational processes and fund management to achieve cost efficiencies via our cash management solutions in conjunction with our Deposit Mobilization Unit and established online platforms that provide custom-made versatile solutions.
We ease your headache of collections even during exceptional times such as the pandemic through our cash management products including our widespread network of CDM’s (Cash Deposit Machines) and ‘my bank’ agents. The Internet Payment Gateway (IPG) of Sampath Bank can facilitate a plethora of solutions suitable for your business. Your cumbersome volumes of payments including payments to depositors, loan disbursements, salaries/allowance payments, supplier payments can also be accommodated through the Sampath Corporate Payment System (SCPS) and Vishwa Corporate platforms 24/7, be it from your office or home. When it comes to payment of returns to your Shareholders, our services will facilitate executing Dividend Payments.
NBFI's have the opportunity of enhancing services to their own depositor base by utilizing services offered through our Common ATM Switch and CEFTS (Common Electronic Fund Transfer System) platforms to create more value to their customers.
Sampath Bank offers synergies through technology and expertise towards automation, increasing both cost and operational efficiencies. With their wide-ranging expertise, our team will provide NBFI’s/LSB’s advisory services towards increasing their operational efficiencies, fund management and regulatory compliance.
Shirley Jayasekera (Snr. Relationship Manager)
Buddhika Ranasinghe (Relationship Manager)
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