

  • An individual, including a minor, who is a Sri Lankan National. 
  • An individual of Sri Lankan origin, including a minor who is a resident outside Sri Lanka. 
  • A non-national resident in Sri Lanka. 
  • A non - national either on temporary visit to Sri Lanka or intending to visit Sri Lanka. 
  • An administrator or executor of the estates of a deceased person, who maintained a personal foreign currency account with that authorized dealer or restricted dealer until the completion of the administration of the deceased person’s estate.


Permitted Credits

  • Inward remittances. 
  • Foreign currency brought into Sri Lanka. 
  • Transfer from PFCA accounts/Business foreign currency accounts (BFCA) and accounts in Offshore Banking Unit. 
  • If the account holder is a resident outside Sri Lanka or a non-national resident in Sri Lanka transfers from an Inward Investment Account (IIA) of the same account holder. 
  • If the account holder is a non-national employee resident in Sri Lanka, monthly salary, employment benefits and other related benefits.

Permitted Debits

  • Any outward remittance. 
  • Local disbursements. 
  • Transfer to PFCA accounts or accounts maintained in Offshore Banking Unit. 
  • If the account holder is a resident outside Sri Lanka or a non-national resident in Sri Lanka transfers to own IIA. 
  • Withdrawal in foreign currency notes up to USD 5,000 in foreign currency notes (or equivalent in any other foreign currency) for travel purpose. 
  • Foreign currency withdrawals for non-national resident outside Sri Lanka who is on temporary visit to Sri Lanka.

Key Benefits

  • Any outward remittance. 
  • Special interest rates for PFCA fixed deposits. 
  • Instant Loan /overdraft facilities against foreign currency balance in PFCA accounts. 
  • Credit Cards and other related benefits (Travel Insurance, Ultra Miles). 
  • Debit Card and SMS Alertz service. 
  • Fund transfers between PFCA, BFCA or offshore Banking accounts. 
  • Existing NRFC/RFC/RNNFC/NRNNFC accounts re-designated to PFCA.
  • Customer eligible to receive a free data package by increasing monthly average balance of their PFCA as follows.

Increase in monthly average balance (USD) Data package capacity
500.00   -   999.99 1GB
1,000.00   -   9,999.99 2GB
10,000.00 and above 10GB

Free Medical Benefits based on increase in annual average balance. (Medical Benefit in LKR form equivalent to USD value)

Increase in annual average balance (USD) Medical Benefit Value (USD)
500   -   1000 5
1,001  -   5,000 10
5,001 - 10,000 25
10,001 or above 50

Reimbursement of Air Fare, for the account holder or immediate family member of the account holder (Spouse and Children only).

Increase in annual average balance (USD) Reimbursement Value (Rs.)
15,000   or  more 100,000 per customer, per annum

For detailed information contact nearest Sampath Bank Branch or Customer Care Centre.

Types of Accounts

Savings, Current, Term Deposits.

Special Offers

Related Accounts

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